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December 1, 2021 Wisconsin Wildlife
Jeremy Holtz, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Jeremy Holtz, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Jeremy Holtz grew up hunting, fishing, and camping in northern Wisconsin. He earned his B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University in 1998, and worked in Colorado, Kansas, Wisconsin and Minnesota before taking the opportunity to return to his home state of Wisconsin as a wildlife biologist in 2006. Jeremy is a Certified Wildlife Biologist® with The Wildlife Society and is the WDNR Wildlife Biologist for Oneida County. A unique feature of his position is the special focus on working with private landowners to improve early successional habitat for ruffed grouse and woodcock in six counties in North Central Wisconsin, also serving as the Facilitator for the Wisconsin Young Forest Partnership since 2015.
November 3, 2021 Pass the Cranberries
Leslie Holland, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
Leslie Holland, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
Leslie’s research program focuses on the diagnosis, biology, and management of pathogens affecting fruit production in Wisconsin, specifically – cranberry, apple, grape, and other specialty fruit crops. We use basic and applied research to address disease challenges of fruit production and translate these findings into practical information for stakeholders. Research projects are driven by grower needs. Research interests include fungal disease complexes, fungicide/bactericide resistance, biological control, cultural and chemical management. |
October 6, 2021 Agriculture Meets A.I.
Craig Rupp, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sabanto
Craig Rupp, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sabanto
Craig Rupp is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Sabanto, one of the first companies to implement self-driving tractors into practice. Craig grew up a farm kid in central Iowa and in Sabanto, has found a natural connection between his ag background and his degrees in electrical engineering from Iowa State University and Illinois Institute of Technology. Craig uses cutting-edge technology to improve efficiency, reduce costs and support sustainability in a variety of agricultural settings. |
May 5, 2021 Wisconsin Division of Forestry: Managing more than the trees!
Heather Berklund, Chief State Forester
Heather Berklund, Chief State Forester
Heather Berklund was announced the new chief state forester in Oct. 2020, where she has worked since 2000. Heather's early career was spent in Iron and Ashland Counties, managing the diverse public lands, tax law program, fire suppression, education and outreach, and private landowner programs. She worked up the ranks as a team supervisor for the Mercer-Mellen Team, then the Woodruff Area Leader, and most recently as Deputy Division Administer for Field Operations. Her favorite parts of the job have been the people she has worked with and landowners she has met along the way. She believes in strong partnerships across our forestry community in order to ensure a healthy robust forested landscape and industry for the future. Heather hopes this session will offer a better understanding of what the Division of Forestry does, why trees are so important for a long-term healthy environment, and how you can do your part for future generations. Heather grew up in the Driftless Area of WI, where her family still owns 120 acres that she enjoys exploring. She has resided in the Minocqua area since 2002, where you can find her and her family enjoying the diverse outdoor recreation opportunities for all seasons, making maple syrup, and trying to grow a more productive garden!
April 7, 2021 Women and Water
Mary Burns, artist
Mary Burns, artist
Mary Burns is an award-winning fiber artistand master weaver. Mary has participated in numerous science and art collaborations, and has been an artist in residence at Andrews Forest, Oregon and UW-Trout Lake Station, Boulder Junction, WI. Mary’s Ancestral Women Exhibit features woven portraits of an elder from each of Wisconsin’s 12 Native tribes. The exhibit has traveled nationally. Mary will be giving a presentation on her latest project,“Women and Water, a Global Exhibit.” This exhibit celebrates and honors water by portraying women from around the world who work with it, protect it and advocate for it.
March 3, 2021 Wisconsin Economy How crazy was it?
Dennis Winters, Economist, Dept of workforce development
Dennis Winters, Economist, Dept of workforce development
Science on Tap welcomes Dennis Winters, Chief Economist, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. In his presentation, Dennis will discuss the 2020 economic and workforce impacts of COVID-19, show what’s on the horizon, and list three steps the state should do to secure its economic future. Dennis has been in his position since 2006 and is recognized as an expert on human resource challenges in the competitive global economic environment.
February 3, 2021 The Fungus Among Us Edible, poisonous, and everywhere
Tom Volk, UW La Crosse
Tom Volk, UW La Crosse
Tom Volk is a mycologist and a professor of biology at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. Originally from Ohio, Tom completed his PhD and postdoctoral work at UW Madison before he joined the faculty at La Crosse in 1996. While Tom has a broad interest in fungus and leads forays worldwide, his research has often focused on the systematics, taxonomy ,and life cycles of morels and Armillaria. In addition to mentoring graduate students on a broad spectrum of fungal research projects, Tom teaches mycology, Latin and Greek roots, plant-microbe interactions, and one of the only medical mycology courses in the nation.
January 6, 2021 The Other End of the Leash: Dog Behavior
Trish McConnell, UW Professor Emeritus
Trish McConnell, UW Professor Emeritus
Patricia McConnell, PhD, CAAB is an Ethologist who has consulted with pet owners for over twenty five years about serious behavioral problems. She taught "The Biology and Philosophy of Human/Animal Relationships" at the University of Wisconsin Madison and has spoken around the world about canine behavior and training. Dr. McConnell is the author of eleven books on training and behavioral problems